Powerful Dua To Control Anger Of Wife


Every husband dreams of getting an ultimate beautiful, obedient and perfect wife. And if he doesn’t get it then his married life may turn out to be problematic. If your wife isn’t understanding at all, neither loving nor caring and she is least bothered with your happiness and sadness, then you should recite Dua To Control Anger Of Wife. The dua will make your wife understandable, loyal and loving. She will become the comfort of your eyes and not a pain of your head. 

Husband and wife should care about one another and help each other. But if your wife is fighting with you all the time and is not ready to listen to you anytime, then you should recite dua to control anger of wife. The dua will change her short tempered nature and make her calmer. She will become understanding and will never fight with you uselessly. If your wife tortures you and is not patient towards you and dominates you in everything, then dua to control anger of wife will help you out. The dua will make your wife responsible and caring. She will give up her bad nature and become a better partner for you.

Dua To Make Wife Obedient

Dua To Make Wife Obedient
Don’t be worried if your relationship isn’t smooth and happy. The dua to make your wife love you will create immense love and affection in the heart of your wife and never let her bad nature overshadow it. If you are loose and dull husband and you fail to dominate your wife, then you seek refuge in the light of Allah Talah and recite
dua to make wife obedient

If a wife doesn’t obey her husband then she will definitely go to hell, but a lot of wives don’t realize it and end up disobeying and insulting their husband. You should help your wife to change for the better and recite dua to make wife obedient to make things better. The dua will make your marriage healthier and better. It will never let any problem come in. 

Related Post: Dua To Make Your Wife Love You

Dua to control anger of wife is given below:

  • Clean yourself up thoroughly and sit in a clean place.
  • Now recite this ayat of Surah Al-Baqarah 100 times. It will be better for you if you recite this dua after the namaz of Zohar. 
  • Blow it on a glass of water and give the water to your wife to drink.
  • Insha Allah, your wife will get free from all the anger and she will develop patience with time.
  • She will become a better person and learn to behave in the right way with you.

Ya Ayyuhal Lazeena Amanu Bis Sabri Was Salati Innal Laha Mas Sabireen

Dua To Control Your Wife

A wife only looks good when she is subordinate to her husband. No husband wants a big mouthed, rough and disobedient wife. Obviously after suffering and bearing a lot, he will leave her. But, if you want to make things better and make your wife obedient and loving, then you should recite dua to control your wife. The dua will make your wife poise, calm and obedient. She will become a better person. If she has a lust for shopping or she just fights on everything, then dua to control your wife will just end all these habit of her and turn her into a better person.

As a husband, you cannot tolerate the misbehavior and disrespect of your wife. If your wife doesn’t love you and doesn’t show any respect towards you, then dua to make your wife love you will help you out. It will change the very heart of your wife and create immense love and affection in her heart for you. It will make her acknowledge her mistake and she will repent and feel sorry for disrespecting you. Indeed, Allah Miyan can do anything. Hence, expecting such a small change in your wife is nothing big from the Almighty.

Dua To Make Your Wife Love You

Dua To Make Your Wife Love You
If your wife has a short temper and she gets furious on petty little things and gets out of control then
dua to control anger of wife is the best remedy for you. When you make this dua to Allah Talah, the Almighty will lower her temperament down and tame her. She will get calm and will listen to you. The dua to control anger of wife will make your life get poise, composed and calm. She will never shout or fight with you on anything and will always respect you and listen to you.

Powerful Dua To Control Wife

It is essential to discuss the steps of dua to control anger of wife with our Molvi sahab Peer Muhammad Qadri Ji before you start practicing it. He will give you the right guidance in this regard. Don’t get disheartened if your wife threatens to leave you and you have undying love for you.

The dua to control your wife will make her come in your control and love you. She will start acknowledging your effort and appreciate all you do for her. She will become a good wife and will do everything which a perfect wife should do for her husband. Make the dua and Insha Allah soon you will have favorable results. 

Recite Surah Muzammil daily for 41 days. Also recite Surah Baqarah as many times as possible in this time period. Make sure you recite it with the intention to control your wife.

Make dua to Allah talah to make your wife better and bring her in your control. Insha Allah, within a period of 41 days, your wife will change. She will turn out to be a better person and a whole lot better wife. 

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