Salam! In today’s article, we will provide you with a powerful Dua To Make Someone Love You And Marry You, along with the correct method to perform it.
Please read this article thoroughly and do not skip any parts if you wish to marry your beloved.
Do you deeply love someone and see a future together with them? If various obstacles are delaying your union, or if the person is hesitant to marry you, don’t worry. Today, we will share a “Dua to make someone love you and marry you.”
By performing this dua, you will encourage the person to start loving you, and their intention to marry you will become evident.
How Does a “Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You” Work?
The Quran is renowned for its profound power, containing verses (Surahs) that, when properly utilized, can have transformative effects. As believers, we acknowledge that Allah Ta’ala has crafted this universe, continually expanding it as stated in the Quran.
Allah Ta’ala not only created us but also provided solutions to our problems through the Quran. The key lies in understanding and applying the Quran’s teachings correctly.
This guide outlines a specific Dua and the method to perform it, aimed at attracting your beloved and progressing towards marriage.
Feeling loved by someone is incredibly special and important in life. True love is the best thing that can happen to a person. However, it can be really painful if you love someone, but that person doesn’t feel the same way about you.
It can feel like your heart is breaking into pieces. But, it’s important to remember that if someone you love doesn’t feel the same, you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself. They may begin to see the real you and develop feelings for you in return.
Important Points to Remember Before Starting the Dua For Someone You Love
When reciting any Dua, it’s crucial to keep certain points in mind for it to be accepted by Allah Ta’ala. Here are the essential guidelines:
- Clear Intention: Ensure your intentions are pure. The Dua should not be used to manipulate or harm others, as it won’t be effective.
- Seek Forgiveness: If you make a mistake while praying, restart by reciting “Astaghfirullah” eleven times.
- Avoid Black Magic: Do not resort to black magic while reciting this Dua, as it is strictly prohibited in Islam.
- Menstruation: Women should not perform this Dua during their menstruation period.
- Face Qibla: Perform the Dua facing the Qibla.
Get you husband love using our Wazifa For Husband Love.
Steps to Perform the Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You
- Wudu: Perform ablution (Wudu) after Fajr.
- Durood E-Sharif: Recite Durood E-Sharif eleven times.
- Ayat al-Kursi: Recite Ayat al-Kursi eleven times.
- Visualize: Imagine your beloved while reciting Surah Al-Muzzammil fifty-four times.
- Pray: Conclude by praying to Allah (SWT) to bring your beloved closer and marry you.
Consistently follow this method for 14 days, and inshallah, you will observe positive changes.
For additional guidance and quicker results, you can consult Molvi Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji via WhatsApp.
If you are experiencing relationship issues, consider reading the “Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You.”
5 Benefits of Making This Dua To Make Someone Love you and Marry You
By performing the above-mentioned Dua correctly, you can reap several benefits:
- Permanent Solution: This Dua offers a long-term solution, not a temporary fix.
- Halal Method: The method is entirely Halal.
- Divine Blessings: You will receive Allah Ta’ala’s blessings, aiding you in various challenges.
- Direct Appeal: You can directly seek help from Allah Ta’ala through this Dua.
- Resolving Other Issues: Reciting this prayer can also help in addressing other life problems.
Read our Dua To Marry Someone Of Your Choice, if you want to marry the person of your choice.

Dua For Someone To Love You In Islam
Here is a dua that you can use as a supplication for the intention of making someone fall in love with you:
اللهم اجعل قلب [اسم الشخص] متّصلاً بي بحب واعتناق، كما جعلتنا نحن متّصلين بك بإيمان ومحبة. آمين.
Translation: “O Allah, make the heart of [person’s name] inclined towards me with love and affection, just as You have made us connected to You with faith and love. Amen.”
Remember, the power of dua lies not only in the words but in the sincerity and intention with which you make the supplication.
Proven Dua To Make Someone Love You Madly And Marry You In 3 Day
This Dua is based on a Sunnah practice, and if you carry it out correctly, the person you desire will fall head over heels in love with you in just three days.
This dua will not only make the one you love fall madly in love with you, but it will also help you with all of your other difficulties.
If you recite these Duas from the depths of your heart, you will experience their full power.
Tirmidhi-3491 is the source of this prayer
If you are in need of this Dua To Make Man Love You And Have Eyes On You, then you should consult our Molvi Sahab for it. He will help you with Islamic guidance in your problem related to love and marriage. Have firm faith and recite this dua for someone you love as directed to accomplish desired results.
If you don’t get desired results in 21 days, then feel free to contact our Molvi Sahab Peer Muhammad Qadri Ji. You can also seek his guidance for dua to make a girl love you.
If you want to get married early then you should read our Dua To Get Married Soon.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Make Dua to Marry Someone You Love?
To marry someone you love, start by expressing gratitude and praise to Allah. Seek forgiveness and purify your heart.
Use Allah’s names, such as Al-Wadud (The Most Loving).
Finally, recite “allahumma inni astakhiruka bi ilmika” 454 times, and pray to Allah SWT to make the person fall in love with you and agree to marry you.
Is There Any Surah for Someone Fall in Love With Me?
Surah Rehman is the most Powerful Surah to make someone fall crazily in love with you. If you want a specific person to love you, follow the procedure we are going to tell you.
First, do fresh ablution followed by five recitations of Surah Rehman after Fajr Morning Prayer.
After Surah Rahman, read (la ilaha illallah) three times.
Do this ritual with faith in Almighty Allah for a whole week.
Is There Any Dua to Make Someone Talk to You Again?
If you want dua to make someone miss you and talk to you again, Then begin reciting the Surah Al-Fatiha. Read the first six lines of this surah and picture you’re your lover’s face with a pure heart. Do this ritual for one week to make sure you get the desired results.
Can we read dua and blow on photo of the person to make fall in love?.. does it work on non muslims? does this require permission from peerji.
I want my boyfriend me back and to marty me n kids, i am a divorcee
Can we recite the Dua and blown on the photo of the person u want to make fall in love with you?
I love a guy very much ,but I don’t know his name , address and all.We are not in any kind of contact.
Then what can I do?
Can I recite this wazifa only imagining him?
Please help me