Most Powerful Dua For Good Wife


Does your wife ill-treat your freedom? Does she speak badly to you and has no guilt for this? Well, Allah Miyan will never forgive such wives. However, you can make the hereafter better for your wife by reciting dua for getting beautiful and good wife. Dua For Good Wife will make your wife realize her mistake and respectfully speak to you. It will make your wife compliant and do everything as per your will.

Read These Points If You Are Looking For A Beautiful Wife In Islam

All the guys share the ultimate goal- to marry a stunning woman. Having a gorgeous, desirable wife is like having a wish come true. Perceived attractiveness is subjective. Your eyes may be waiting to be opened to the splendour of your life.

Nowadays, physical attractiveness is not the main criterion for beauty. Although most of you probably associate beauty with outward appearance, it encompasses much more.

There are many facets to beauty, including:

  • Natural beauty.
  • Charming qualities.
  • The Charm of Religious Observance.
  • The one who supports her spouse.
  • Sympathetic and considerate.
  • One who honours her husband.
  • The one who prioritizes her family members before herself.
  • Ability to find creative solutions.
  • The grace of following the right route in any circumstance.

Therefore, you should look for these qualities in a prospective wife if you want to marry her. The long-term effects of marrying the gorgeous woman you’ve always wanted are beneficial.

How To Get a Pious Wife

Deeply religious people are hard to come by in today’s world. The situation has deteriorated to the point where those who have a strong sense of religiosity and religious inclination, as well as those who choose the path laid out by Allah in every aspect of their lives, are viewed with suspicion by the general public and, unfortunately, are not considered ideal partners for marriage.

It is quite admirable that you are interested in finding a devout wife. If you were to educate yourself on the qualities that define such a woman, you would become even more committed to marrying one. In Islam, getting married is less significant than it has become in recent times.

Here Are The Steps To Perform To Get Beautiful and Righteous Wife

  • You must begin your day with a refreshing shower and the five daily prayers (Namaz or SALAH in Arabic).
  • It is up to you to decide when you will do this dua to attract a suitable spouse.
  • The two Rakat Nafal must be offered during a dua for wife, or prayer, at a time you choose following the Namaz.
  • Do this during Tahajjud if at all possible.
  • After completing the two Rakat Nafal, recite the Darood Shareef seven times.
  • The next step is to recite the entire Surah Fatiha 50 times without stopping.
  • Then, in a monotone, recite the following Dua for pious wife:

Inn Allaah Yusmi iuu Manyash haauu” 43 times.

  • Then Again, Darood Sharif must be recited seven times.
  • Focus on your love first, then on the other things.
  • The merciful hand of ALLAH, the Highest, shall be upon you.
  • If your love is genuine, this dua for good wife will be effective in the name of Allah.

Islamic Dua To Get Your Wife Back

If your wife doesn’t care how she talks to you, and in front of whom she talks to you, and she disregards anything you do for her, then one of the best ways to change her is by reciting duas for a good wife. The duas will change your wife’s bad temper and nature and make her rational, pious and genuinely good. It will transform her, and she will start treating you nicely. The dua for a good wife will make her a better wife, and she will never bring any disgrace to you or your name.

Islamic Dua To Get Your Wife Back

Dua To Get Wonderful Spouse

If your wife has the problem of just going to her father’s place over small issues and she makes a mountain out of a mustard seed, then you should recite dua for wife to return back be obedient. Insha Allah, she will give up this habit of her and become a good wife.

She will be obedient and will do things as you want her to do. If your wife has left you and wants to divorce you for no appropriate reason but you don’t want this to happen, then you should recite Islamic dua for good wife. The dua for good wife will bring your wife back to you and she will stop the separation procedure instantly. 

It is important to contact our molvi sahab. before you start practicing the Islamic dua to get your wife back. He will give you proper guidance in this regard. Never lose your faith in Allah Talah and keep praying to Him to make things better in your life and Insha Allah, one day things will be in your favor.

If your wife is angry with you over your mistake and left the house, then dua for good wife will ease the situation for you and bring your wife back with a cool mind and loving heart.

Related Post: Dua For Wife Love and Attraction

Dua For Getting Good Wife

Dua For Wife To Return Back Be Obedient

  • Make fresh ablution and sit on the prayer mat
  • Recite this dua for good wife after the namaz of Maghrib.
  • Recite Durood Ibrahim 111 times.
  • Then make duas to Allah Talah to make your wife come back to you.
  • Recite this dua for wife for 7 days without any gap
  • Insha Allah, after 7 days your wife will come back to you. 
  • She will start missing you and will forgive you for any of your mistake and if she is at mistake, then she will repent miserably.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I recite the dua for a good wife on behalf of someone else?

Yes, you can recite the dua for good wife on behalf of someone else, such as a family member or friend. Offering sincere supplications for the well-being and happiness of others is a noble act. However, it is also beneficial for the person seeking a spouse to recite the dua themselves and actively engage in finding a suitable partner.

How often should I recite the dua for a good wife?

There is no fixed number of times or frequency for reciting the dua for good wife. You can repeat it as often as possible, based on your devotion and belief. It is recommended to be recited consistently with sincerity, patience, and a strong faith in Allah’s ability to grant your supplications.

Can I perform any additional acts of worship to increase the effectiveness of the dua?

Along with reciting the dua for getting good wife, you can engage in different acts of worship to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance. Some recommended actions include:

  • Performing voluntary prayers (sunnah and nafl prayers).
  • Giving charity.
  • Seeking forgiveness (istighfar).
  • Increasing your overall devotion and obedience to Allah.
  • These acts can enhance the effectiveness of your dua and bring you closer to attaining a good spouse.

Are there any specific verses or supplications to recite for the dua?

No specific verses or supplications are prescribed for the dua for good wife. It is a personal prayer where you can express your desires and seek Allah’s guidance. You can use your own words or seek inspiration from relevant verses from the Quran that emphasize the qualities you seek in a spouse, such as kindness, patience, and faith.

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