Many people have used this powerful dua to break someone’s marriage to make important life decisions, and it has been very helpful for them. Our dua to break engagements and marriages has helped many people find happiness by marrying the person they love.
If you are in pain because your love is engaged or married to someone else, this dua can help you with Allah’s guidance.
How To Perform Dua to Break Engagement or Marriage?
Breaking an engagement or marriage is a serious matter in Islam and should be done with the right intentions. If your love is true and your intentions are pure, this dua can help you.
- Check Your Intentions: Make sure you are not trying to harm or manipulate anyone.
- Wudu and Qibla: Perform wudu and face the Qibla.
- Seek Forgiveness: Ask Allah for forgiveness for your sins.
- Menstruation: Women should avoid this dua during menstruation.
- Charity and Namaz: Engage in acts of charity and perform Namaz daily.
If you wan to marry soon then you can read Surah To Get Married Soon for desired results.
Method To Perform Dua to Break Someone Marriage
- Fresh Ablution: Start with a fresh ablution.
- Durood-e-Inaam: Recite Durood-e-Inaam 11 times.
- Surah Al-Jasiyah: Read Surah Al-Jasiyah verse 15, 100 times.
- Durood-e-Inaam: Recite Durood-e-Inaam 11 times again.
- Pray to Allah: Ask Allah to break the engagement or marriage.
Perform this dua for 11 days. With Allah’s grace, the engagement or marriage will be broken.
If you need assistance or a quick solution in a short time, you can contact Peer Mohammad Qadri Ji on WhatsApp.

Simple Steps To Perform Dua To Break Someone Engagement
- Firstly wear proper clothes.
- After that read Fifth Kalma for 13 times.
- Then read this Dua to break someone engagement- “ Bismillaah”.
- After that take a lemon.
- Cut that lemon in two pieces.
- Then read Surah Fateha for 98 times.
- Then blow your breath on one piece of lemon.
- After that throw that piece of lemon outside of your house.
- After that read Third Kalma for 15 times.
- Then blow your breath on the other piece of lemon.
- After that pour some roohafza on that piece of lemon.
- Then try to eat that piece of lemon.
- If you are not able to eat that piece of lemon or at least lick it.
- After licking it throw that piece outside your house.
- Perform this Dua to break someone engagement for 4 days.

Powerful Wazifa To Break Someone Engagement
This wazifa does not have a specific recitation time; rather, you should read it once each day at any convenient time. But it would help if you kept the same schedule whenever you perform this wazifa to break someone engagement.
For instance, you need to do wazifa to break the bond every day at five o’clock in the afternoon for seven days in a row.
- Before beginning the Wazifa, you must perform wuzu with pure, untainted water.
- After that, you should read the Durood Sharif eleven times.
- Following that, you must perform 79 readings of Wa iny yure edooo any-yak hda’ooka fa inna hasb akal la ah; Huw al laz eee aiy adaka bina srihee wa bilmu’mineen.
- After you have finished this, you should now go back and reread the Holy Quran (Durood Sharif).
- Lastly, pray to Allah that your desire to interrupt someone’s engagement will be granted.
For any help, you can call our Molvi Ji directly and get immediate reply.
Read Dua To Make My Husband Love Me to get your husband love.
Rishta Todne Ki Dua From Quran
Dua to break someone’s marriage and engagement is given below:
- Recite Durood Shareef 7 times at the beginning and end of the dua
- Recite Surah Lahab 51 times in the middle.
- Practice this dua after the namaz of Fajr for 41 days.
Make dua to Allah Talah to separate a couple and break their engagement or marriage with a valid reason. Indeed Allah Talah knows all.
Insha Allah, within 41 days, you will get the breakup news. If you don’t see any changes, you can approach our molvi sahab directly for immediate help. You can also get in touch with him to get the rishta todne ki dua.