Our Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart and heart has been a blessing for many people, helping them to successfully influence others’ thoughts and feelings.
This support continues to be available. Are you struggling to get someone to agree with you? If you want to positively influence someone’s mind and heart, it’s possible, but only if your intentions are good.
If you’re trying to manipulate someone with dishonest intentions, the dua won’t work. You can use this dua to seek Allah’s help in changing someone’s mind and heart in line with Islamic teachings.
How “Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart” Works
In this guide, we will share some powerful duas that can help change someone’s mind and heart. By reciting these duas sincerely and following the instructions, you can influence someone’s thoughts and feelings.
We believe that prayer is the key to seeking Allah’s help in any situation. Dua is a way to ask Allah for anything, but our reasons must be pure and our intentions good for the dua to be accepted.
Rules to Follow Before Starting the Dua
- Your intentions should be genuine and not meant to harm or deceive others.
- Recite the dua with unwavering faith in Allah’s power and mercy.
- Adhere to the given instructions and do not skip any days.
- Women should not perform this dua during menstruation.
- Changing someone’s mind and heart is a gradual process that requires patience and consistently.
5 Steps to Perform Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart
- Ensure you are in a state of cleanliness.
- Begin by sending blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
- This is the opening chapter of the Quran, known for its healing and guidance.
- “Allahu Latifun bi’ibadihi yarzuqu man yashaa’ wa huwa al-Qawiyyu al-Aziz.” (Allah is Gentle with His servants; He gives provisions to whom He wills, and He is the Powerful, the Exalted in Might.)
- After reciting the dua, sincerely pray to Allah to change the person’s heart and mind towards you.
If you don’t get the desired results in 41 days, then also you can come to us. You can contact us on Whatsapp and we will provide you with a more customized solution.
Read Dua For Intimacy Between Husband and Wife in Islam.

Dua To Soften Someone’s Heart
It is possible to soften someone’s heart, whether it’s a colleague, family member, or anyone else. If you wish to improve someone’s attitude towards you, there’s hope.
Some men are always irritable around their wives. Being in a relationship with such a man can be hard for any woman.
Rather than putting up with his unreasonable behavior, a wife should read the dua to soften her husband’s heart. Any woman can change her husband’s angry conduct with the use of this dua.
Read Dua For Daughter Marriage to get your daughter married.
Steps for Dua to Soften Someone’s Heart
- Start by cleansing yourself.
- Recite “Rabbana zalamna anfusana” 111 Times.
- Recite Surah Ar-Rahman 2 Times.
- Ask Allah to soften the person’s heart towards you.
How To Make Dua To Melt someone’s Heart
Kam Atay Nahum Min Ayatin Baayi Natin Waman Yubaddil Ni’mata Allahi Min Ba’adi Ma Ja At Hu Fa Inna Allaha Shadeedul Iqaab
- Recite this dua 21 times daily and then blow it on your husband.
- You can recite this dua to change husband heart after completing any of the obligatory namaz.
- Pray to make things better between you and your spouse with a sincere heart.
- Insha Allah, soon everything will be better and your husband will be according to your expectations.
If you are having problems in your marriage and need expert advice, contact our Islamic Scholar Peer Muhammad Qadri Ji. He will provide you with the greatest Islamic prayers and treatments to ensure the happiness and success of your marriage.
Wazifa to Change Someone’s Mind in 5 Simple Steps
- Make sure you are clean and sit in a peaceful spot.
- Begin by sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
- Recite the Verse “Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban-nar” 111 times. This verse from the Quran asks for good in this world and the hereafter and protection from the fire of Hell.
- Recite Durood Sharif Again Seven Times
- Ask Allah sincerely to help you change the person’s heart.
In conclusion, with deep dua and strong faith in Allah, it is possible to positively change someone’s mind and heart.
The duas shared here, when recited with pure intentions and following the proper method, can help mend relationships and resolve conflicts. It’s important to be patient and have genuine intentions.
By following the recommended steps and seeking guidance when needed, you can ask Allah for help in influencing positive changes in others’ hearts and minds.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Allah Change Someone’s Heart?
Yes, in Islamic belief, Allah has the power to change anyone’s heart.
The Quran mentions that Allah guides whom He wills to the straight path, indicating that He can influence people’s hearts.
Can Dua Change One’s Destiny?
Yes, making dua is a way to seek help from Allah, and it can indeed change one’s destiny.
According to Hadith, all prophets believe that dua is the most powerful tool a Muslim has, and through it, a person can influence their destiny.
Can I Ask Allah to Make Someone Fall in Love with Me?
Yes, you can ask Allah to make someone fall in love with you. There are many duas and wazifas for this purpose.
For example, you can recite “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqir” from Surah Al-Qasas (28:24) 1001 times a day, asking Allah to make someone love you. This verse expresses humility and trust in Allah’s provision.