Today, we will discuss an effective and powerful Dua for Intimacy between husband and wife, brought to you in a proper halal way.
First, it is essential to understand the importance of prayer in your life. You should also consider the results of your prayers: are they effective, and if so, how? What are the rules for ensuring they work?
As we know, physical intimacy is a natural part of human life, and this experience is deeply meaningful. Physical intimacy is not just a meeting of bodies, but a connection of two souls.
In Islam, this form of intimacy is considered pure and halal (permissible) as long as our intentions towards our partner are sincere and respectful.
Must Follow Tips Before Starting Dua for Intimacy
- Make sure your intentions are pure before and during the dua for intimacy.
- While praying, keep your mind focused on Allah and ask Him to accept your prayers quickly.
- Ensure you are facing the Qiblah while making the dua for intimacy between husband and wife.
- You can recite this dua after any Salat (prayer).
- After the final prayer, recite your husband’s name 21 times.
If you want to make your parents agree for love marriage then must read our Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents.
Perform Dua for Intimacy Between Husband and Wife
Follow these steps for an effective dua:
- Start by performing Wudu (ablution) to cleanse yourself.
- Recite Surah Al-Fatiha three times.
- Recite Durood Sharif seven times.
- Recite “Ya Wadud” 100 times with sincerity and focus.
Repeat this dua daily for 10 days. InshaAllah, you will see a positive change in your relationship. If you need further guidance or assistance, you can contact Peer Mohammad Qadri on WhatsApp.
Benefits of Performing Intimacy Between Husband and Wife
The benefits of this practice are numerous, but I will share five key benefits with you:
- Doing this prayer will help maintain good health.
- After performing this dua, your husband will be protected from the evil eye and devil.
- This prayer ensures that you will never face any problems again.
- This practice will strengthen the emotional bond between you and your husband.
- Performing this dua will bring more happiness and peace into your marriage.

Wazifa to Increase Love Between Husband and Wife and Bring Them Closer
Intimacy is a beautiful thing that happens when couples have trust, understanding, and honesty with each other.
In marriage, intimacy means sharing your feelings and thoughts about important things in life. To help bring husband and wife closer, you can recite a special dua.
Procedure to Perform Wazifa for Increasing Love Between Husband and Wife
- Start by performing a proper Wudu (ablution) to purify yourself.
- Say “Bismillah Rahman Rahim” 100 times.
- After the morning prayer (Fajr), recite “Ya Wadudu” 50 times.
- Write “Alhamdulillah” on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow.
- Recite “Qaala Rabbish rah lee sadree” 117 times.
Read Dua for Marriage Proposal to get the perfect proposal for you or your daughter/Son.
Dua to Increase Love Between Husband and Wife
To create love between husband and wife, you can read the powerful and effective dua for intimacy. This strong dua has helped many to attract their husbands towards them and increase love in their relationship.
Step-by-Step Procedure
- Clean yourself properly by making a fresh ablution.
- Start by reading Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 6388.
- Then recite “(Bismillah, Allahumma jannibna-sh-shaitan, wa jannibi-sh-shaitan ma razaqtana)” 101 times.
- Recite Durood Sharif 7 times.
- Finally, pray to Almighty Allah to increase love in your relationship.
By following these steps with sincerity, you can strengthen the bond of love between you and your spouse.
Read Love Marriage Wazifa to make your love back to you.

Procedure to Perform Dua for Strong Bond Between Husband and Wife
Follow these steps to perform the dua effectively:
- Begin by performing a proper Wudu (ablution) to purify yourself.
- Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas ten times.
- Recite Durood Sharif seven times.
- Recite “Bismillahi Tawakkaltu ‘Alallah” 50 times, with a sincere heart and full concentration.
Repeat this dua for intimacy daily for 17 days. InshaAllah, you will see a positive change in your relationship.
Procedure for Surah For Enhancing Intimacy with the Right Intentions
- Begin by performing Wudu (ablution) to cleanse yourself.
- Read Surah Al-Fatiha three times for purity of heart.
- After your prayers, recite “Ya Rahman” 40 times with focus and sincerity.
- Write “Bismillah” on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe place.
- Recite “Rabbana la tuzigh quloobana” 100 times to seek unity and closeness with your partner.
Following these steps with a pure heart and sincere intentions will help strengthen your bond with your partner.