Islamic Wazifa For Love Marriage

Wazifa For Love Marriage

Thousands of people have been able to marry according to their preference just because of our Wazifa For Love Marriage From Quran.

At some point in a relationship, couples are faced with difficulties that often seem impossible to overcome.

Taking a look at ways through which people, who want to be unified with their beloved through marriage, can use Islamic traditions, spiritual methods are most effective.

Wazifa for love marriage is one of these practices – that involves the uttering of a set of prayers and supplications to invoke divine help.

In the following sections, you will find the description about how to do wazifa for love marriage, importance of wazifa for love marriage, and advantage of wazifa for love marriage.

3 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid

While performing wazifa, it’s important to avoid certain common mistakes to ensure the effectiveness of your prayers:

  1. Performing wazifa without genuine faith and sincerity can hinder its effectiveness.
  2. Expecting immediate results can lead to disappointment. Trust Allah’s timing.
  3. Doubts and negative thoughts can affect your spiritual practice.

Read Our Dua For Marriage Problems To solve the issues related to married life.

How to Perform Wazifa for Love Marriage

To perform wazifa for love marriage, you need to follow a specific sequence of prayers and actions. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Purify Yourself: Begin by performing Wudu (ablution) to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually.
  2. Choose a Quiet Place: Find a peaceful spot where you can concentrate without distractions.
  3. Recite Durood Shareef: Start by reciting Durood Shareef (Salawat) three times. This invokes blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  4. Recite the Specific Verse: Recite the chosen verse or dua for love marriage. One commonly recited verse is Surah Al-Fatiha (the opening chapter of the Quran) or Ayat-ul-Kursi (Verse of the Throne).
  5. Visualize Your Loved One: While reciting, visualize your loved one and your intention for marriage.
  6. Make a Dua: After completing the recitation, make a heartfelt dua (supplication) to Allah, asking for His blessings and guidance in your marriage.
  7. End with Durood Shareef: Conclude by reciting Durood Shareef three more times.

Popular Wazifa for Love Marriage Verses

Several verses from the Quran are considered powerful for love marriage. Here are a few commonly used ones:

  • Surah Yasin: Recite Surah Yasin daily with the intention of seeking Allah’s help in your love marriage.
  • Ayat-ul-Kursi: This verse is known for its protective and blessing properties. Recite it after every obligatory prayer.
  • Surah Al-Ikhlas: Reciting this short chapter with a pure heart can bring immense blessings.

4 Benefits of Performing Wazifa for Love Marriage

The benefits of performing wazifa for love marriage go beyond just achieving your desire. I

t also strengthens your faith, brings peace of mind, and connects you with Allah on a deeper level. Here are some key benefits:

  • Deepens your connection with Allah and strengthens your faith.
  • Provides mental and emotional peace through regular prayers.
  • Encourages a positive and hopeful outlook towards life and love.
  • Attracts divine blessings for a harmonious and successful marriage.

Make your parents agree for your love marriage by using our Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents.

Surah Rahman Ka Wazifa For Love Marriage
Surah Rahman Ka Wazifa For Love Marriage

Surah Rahman Ka Wazifa For Love Marriage

If there has been some misunderstanding between you and your lover and your love marriage is in jeopardy, perform wazifa in Urdu.

You will see that all the misunderstandings will get cleared on their own. Your lover will come back to you and be ready for the marriage. Surah Rahman Ka Wazifa in Urdu is very effective and strong and has helped many true lovers get married to the one they want.

To perform the Surah Rehman ka wazifa, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Begin this wazifa on Thursday and perform it till 7 Thursdays.
  • Recite two Rakat namaz nafil and then recite 11 times Durood Shareef.
  • Then recite Surah Muzammil 11 times and then Durood Shareef 11 times.
  • You will then have to recite Surah Rahman ka wazifa at least 21 times.
  • Pray to Allah Talah to help you marry your lover and erase all the problems in your marriage.
    Insha Allah, you will see that before the 7 Thursdays are over, you will get married to your lover.

Related Post:-  Wazifa For Love Marriage To Agree Parents

Love Marriage Wazifa In Urdu

A step-by-step guide to performing the Wazifa for marriage in 3 days is given below-

  • After performing a fresh ablution, you are welcome to sit on the prayer rug at any time of the day.
  • Do 133 repetitions of Ayat-ul-kursi.
  • Say the opening verses of Surah Fatiha 20 times.
  • When you finish Surah Fatiha, recite Surah Maryam once.
  • If you want to get married in three days, you should pray to Allah Talah for it.
  • After three days of reciting this wazifa continuously, you should hear the happy news of your marriage, Insha’Allah.

The dua for marriage proposal acceptance will bring the situation in your favor, and you will see how beautifully Allah makes way for your marriage with your lover in no time.

Marriage is a special bond, but sometimes it doesn’t go smoothly, especially when parents resist love marriages. In some cultures, choosing your partner is frowned upon.

That’s where a wazifa, a form of prayer, can help. We are going to share the procedure of powerful wazifas for love marriages on the special occasion of 12 Rabi ul Awal.

Wazifa for Love Marriage in Rabi ul Awal:

  1. Perform Wudu (Ablution): Begin by performing ablution to ensure cleanliness.
  2. Choose a Quiet Place: Find a quiet and clean spot where you can focus on your prayers.
  3. Recite Salat al-Istikhara: Perform Salat al-Istikhara, a prayer for seeking Allah’s guidance in making decisions, including matters related to love and marriage.
  4. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Al-Ikhlas: After Salat al-Istikhara, recite Surah Al-Fatiha (Chapter 1) and Surah Al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112) three times each.
  5. Make Sincere Dua: Raise your hands and make a heartfelt dua (supplication) to Allah. Speak to Him sincerely about your desire for a love marriage, seeking His guidance, blessings, and happiness.

Allahumma yassir li amri wa ahdini ila akhiri al-khayr.

اللهم يسّر لي أمري واهدني إلى خير الأمور

Recite this dua 100 times daily during Rabi Ul Awal, especially after Fajr prayer, and pray sincerely for Allah’s blessings and ease in your love marriage.

Wazifa For Problems In Love Marriage
Wazifa For Problems In Love Marriage

What is Wazifa For Problems In Love Marriage?

Misunderstandings are a common cause of marital issuess, but the wazifa for problems in love marriage can help end them for good. Using Wazifa for issues in love marriage on a daily basis can help keep a marriage happy and healthy.

If you are experiencing marital difficulties, please read the following Wazifa:

  • Reciting Surah Baqrah is a certain way to mend any broken relationship.
  • The advice in Surah Yasin may prove helpful, too.
  • Read it daily after you pray together to retain harmony in your marriage.

To get the best results we recommend you to perform this wazifa for at least 40 days. To know more about the wazifa, you can talk to our Maulvi Sahab Peer Muhammad Qadri Ji directly.


Wazifa for love marriage is a beautiful and powerful way to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance in your journey towards a blessed union.

By performing these prayers with sincerity, devotion, and patience, you can strengthen your faith and bring positive changes in your life.

Remember, the key to success lies in your faith and trust in Allah’s plans. May your prayers be answered, and may you find happiness and peace in your love marriage.

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon does the wazifa start to show its effects?

The impact or result of wazifa takes some time and the period differs from one individual to the other. It is all up to Allah’s wish and how sincerely and faithfully you are observing the prayers.

Is it possible for wazifa to help me find the person I am interested in or marry that person?

Wazifa is a process through which people hope to get blessings from Allah. It is not a promise therefore but a course of action through which one or many people may pray for assistance from the Gods.

Yes, there are various wazifas for different situations related to love marriage. For example, there are specific wazifas for convincing parents, resolving conflicts, removing societal barriers, finding a suitable partner, or seeking guidance and blessings for a successful love marriage.

How long does a love marriage wazifa take to show results?

The time it takes for a wazifa to show results can vary from person to person and situation to situation. Some people may experience positive outcomes within a short period, while others may take longer. It is essential to have patience, faith, and consistency in performing the wazifa.

Can anyone perform a wazifa for marriage?

Yes, anyone can perform a wazifa, regardless of gender or background. However, completing it with sincerity, faith, and adherence to Islamic principles is essential. Seeking guidance from a knowledgeable religious scholar or Imam can also be beneficial.

Are there any precautions or guidelines to follow while performing a wazifa?

Maintaining a state of ritual purity (wudu) while performing the wazifa is essential. Additionally, one should have sincere intentions, avoid sinful actions, and continue fulfilling their religious obligations. Recommending to recite the wazifa simultaneously each day and in a quiet, peaceful environment to enhance concentration and focus.

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