6 Powerful Dua For Righteous Spouse From Quran


I offer my sincere greetings to all of our dear Amliyat Dua readers. You have come to the right place if you want a dua for righteous spouse.

We make sure you may find plenty of Dua for righteous spouse using the right Halal Method to assist you in finding a decent husband. The best suggestion we can give is to read this article thoroughly without skipping any sections in order to understand it better.

Everyone hopes to find a lifelong partner who will be emotionally and intellectually satisfying. Every human being on earth wishes to have one. We all know that one day we will get married to someone and then life will continue with him or her.

Allah Subhan Waa Taa’la is kind of all & if you shall pray with a pure intent to make your life simpler and peaceful by marrying the right person, Allah will definitely accept your dua for spouse in Quran. 

Dua For Finding a Righteous Spouse

Everything in this world happens in a sequence. From the day we are born to growing into adults, finding livelihood, marrying someone and having children of our own. This is how the circle of life goes on. But, one can make it better and be blessed with the help of the dua for finding a good spouse in Quran.

If you recite the Quranic dua for a good spouse before marrying, your marriage decisions will be right. A good partner who is caring, loyal, and lovable towards will make your life beautiful and full of happiness.

Parents who want to marry their daughters to deserving men must now use the Quranic dua for a virtuous spouse. Insha Allah, you’ll receive only good marriage proposals and locate your child’s perfect mate in a few months.

The procedure for making the dua for a good spouse is – 

  • Surah Taha from Quran is the best Surah getting a good life partner.
  • Recite Surah Taha 41 times every night and make the dua for a good spouse till you find a suitable marriage proposal. 
  • Even if you are about to marry someone then also you can recite Surah Taha. Also read Ayat-ul-Kursi 11 times at night to make your relationship happier. 
  • Pray to Allah to bless you with a righteous spouse soon and bless your married life as well.

How To Perform Dua For Good Spouse?  

Important reminder: If you want the best effects from the dua for good spouse, recite it after Zuhar namaz. If you wish to make a specific person your life partner, keep their picture before you perform this dua.   

  • After performing ablution, begin reciting Surah Yasin verse number 29th.   
  • Begin reciting Durood E Pak 11 times with a focused mind.   
  • Take a piece of white cloth and blow your breath over it.  
  • You will then have to put the white cloth in your purse or under your pillow.   

If the process of the dua for finding a spouse is not read carefully, it might not work. Perform the dua for finding a husband for at least 3 days. Once you are done performing this dua for getting a good husband, pray to Allah tala to bless you with a good partner and a successful marriage.   

Related Post: Dua For Husband Love and Attraction

Dua For Getting Married To A Good Spouse

Everyone desires their own Prince Charming, and everyone desires that their Prince Charming have the attributes they desire. Virtually every girl’s dream is to have someone by their side who would always support and assist them.

In today’s world, people are getting more evil. With a pure mind, finding a spouse who will love you and never betray you is nearly impossible.

Every heart desires a good life partner. Our Maulana Sahab has helped many people in finding the correct life partner with the help of the dua for a good spouse in the Quran.

You can reach our Molvi Ji anytime to request the most effective dua for finding a good husband/wife. So wait no more and start making efforts to find one today only! 

Dua For Pious Spouse

Seeking a pious and righteous spouse is a noble aspiration in Islam. Here is a dua that you can make to seek Allah’s guidance and blessings in finding a pious spouse:

Dua for a Pious Spouse:

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهَا وَخَيْرَ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا عَلَيْهِ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهَا وَشَرِّ مَا جَبَلْتَهَا عَلَيْهِ

Dua For Pious Spouse

Allahumma inni as’aluka khayraha wa khayra ma jabaltaha ‘alayhi wa a’udhu bika min sharriha wa sharri ma jabaltaha ‘alayhi.

Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for her goodness and the goodness that You have created within her, and I seek refuge with You from her evil and the evil that You have created within her.”

6 Steps To Follow For Performing Dua For Getting A Good Spouse

  1. Ensure that you perform proper ablution before engaging in your Salah (prayer).
  2. While in the bowing position of your prayer, recite the full Takbir by saying “Allah hu Akbar.”
  3. After rising from the bowing position, recite “Sami Allahu liman hamidah” 30 times.
  4. Take five drops of blessed Zamzam water into your hand.
  5. Recite the dua: “Fasaqaa lahumaa summa tawallaaa ilaz zilli faqaala Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer” a total of 165 times during your prayer.
  6. End your dua by saying “Ameen.”

Other Articles that May Be Useful –

Dua For Good Relationship With Husband

Frequently Asked Questions

Which surah is for getting a good spouse?

Best Surah for To Get Good Spouse in Quran

  • Surah Al Furqan, Verse 74.
  • Surah Ambiya, Verse 89.
  • Surah Qasas, Verse 24.

Do you allow me to make a prayer for my future husband?

You are free to pray to Allah to grant you a happy marriage to the person you have your heart set on, as doing so is not forbidden. Having said that, it is my sincere recommendation that you also pray to Allah, asking him to grant you contentment with His decision and to gift you with the most suitable mate for you.

Which name of Allah to recite to get married?

Recite the Surah al-Ahzab (chapter 33) on a consistent basis. -Recite the Surah al-Mumtahinah, which is chapter 60, five times each day. -Recite surah at Taha (chapter 20) and blow breath on a glass of water and let the girl drink it.

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