Aslam Alaikum to all my brothers and sisters, I am sharing “Dua For Love Between Husband And Wife” with you here.
Is your Partner losing interest in you? Or maybe you’re anxious about the state of your marriage. The love and commitment between a husband and wife is universally seen as the ideal partnership. Therefore, it is essential to fortify the connection whenever it is called for.
Don’t worry if your marital life is filled with uncertainty, including disagreements, arguments, and feelings of wanting to give up. If you want a happy, secure marriage, we have the best dua to increase love between husband and wife for you. Only believe in Allah.
How To Create Love Between Husband and Wife?
The “Most Powerful Dua To Create Love Between Husband And Wife” is here to help you through this hard time. For this “dua to increase love between husband and wife” to work, you must do everything exactly as it says.
- This “dua to increase love between husband and wife” should be said every day after the Fajr prayer.
- This means that the Surah Taha has to be read three times.
- The next step is to read Aytal Kursi verse 222.
- To increase your love for your spouse, you should say the dua below ten times.
- “La Ilaha Illallah, Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu, Lahul-Mulku”.
- Last but not least, you should ask to Allah to help you and your partner love and respect each other again.
Please keep in mind that this “dua to increase love between husband and wife” will also make your partner loyal, kind, and nice to you. It will also keep your partner from cheating on you.
4 Points To Follow for “Dua For Love Between Husband and Wife”
For Allah to answer your dua, your prayers have to be perfect in his eyes. So, if you want to grow the love between your husband and wife, you need to be careful when you do this dua.
- Say this prayer somewhere where no one can bother you.
- You should never say this prayer with bad motives.
- Women shouldn’t say this prayer when they have their period.
- Carefully and completely follow all of the directions to get what you want.
How To Recite Dua For Love Between Husband And Wife
- Before Fajar Salah, do Wudu and recite Surah An-Nisa seven times as DHIKR (remembering Allah).
- After that, pick up one red rose and hold it in your hand.
- Now, say the “Dua to Increase Love in Husband’s Heart” 55 times.
- Say “Allahumma Antas-Salm wa minkas-salm” Ameen to end your Dua (prayer).
- Lastly, blow on that red rose and give it to your husband to smell.
- Follow this Ritual for two months, twice a week.
- If Allah wills, your husband’s attitude toward you will change in a month.
If you want a quick and effective result in a short amount of time, you can call our Peer Muhammad Qadri Ji on WhatsApp.

How does the Dua To Increase Love Between Husband and Wife work?
If misunderstandings or fights have ruined your marriage, the best way to make love between husband and wife in Islam is to pray. Also, if you and your partner often fight or yell at each other, our powerful dua for how to make love between husband and wife in Islam will be the best thing for your marriage. You need to remember the steps we’ve given you by heart.
Dua To Create Love Between Husband And Wife In Islam step by step:
- To clean yourself, you must first do wudu with clean water.
- Then you have to pray Chashat Namaz after sunrise in the morning.
- The next step is to say Durood Shareef 11 times.
- Now, you have to say the prayer “Bismillahi Alwasao Jallah Jalaluhoo” 111 times.
- Then, at the end of this dua, you need to say the Durood Shareef 11 times.
- Now you can pray to Allah wholeheartedly to make your marriage beautiful again.
Follow this method until you get the best results for making love between a husband and wife in Islam.
Dua To Increase Love In Wife’s Heart
Do Niyyah first, before you say “dua to make your wife love you more.” You have to sit quietly and say Niyyah to Allah in silence. Today, I admit that there is no power besides you that can hear my dua to make my wife love me more. I love her a lot and I want her to love me as much as I love her.
Al-Mueed, please make things clear, simple, and easy to understand between us so that she can love me again like she used to. Al-Kareem, please give me the wisdom to say “dua to increase love in my wife’s heart” You can do “dua to increase love in the wife’s heart” by following these steps:
- The first thing you should do is wudu.
- Then you must say Bismillah Ir-Rehman Nir-Raheem 100 times before the Fajr prayer.
- The next step is to say “Ya Waajidu” 30 times.
- Now, say the Fazr namaz prayer.
- Say “Subhanallah” 50 times after the prayer.
- To get the results you want, you need to follow the directions for ten days.
Dua To Increase Love In Husband’s Heart
رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا”
Translation: “Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa ja’alna lil muttaqina imama.”
This verse is from Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) and can be translated as: “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”
Recite this dua to increase love in husband’s heart with sincerity and trust in Allah’s wisdom.
Read Ya wadudu Wazifa for love to know the importance of Ya Wadoodo in the matters of love.
Dua For Increase Love Between Husband And Wife
I want to get closer to my wife or husband by making our friendship better. Please accept my prayer to bring my husband and wife closer together for good.
- The power of dua to strengthen marriage ties” Be sure to read each step in detail.
- The first step is to purify yourself with wudu.
- Second, repeat after me: “Allah Hus Samad” twenty times.
- The third step is to read verse 9 of Surah Al-Imran 201 times while thinking of your partner.
- Say “Ya Waajidu” thirty times.
- The “dua to bring husband and wife closer” should be performed daily for five days.
- Finally, pray to Allah for the Hajat you’ve asked.
Read our Dua For Love Marriage to get married to your loved one.

Dua For Intimacy Between Husband And Wife Within 7 Days
In Islam, intimacy between husband and wife is considered a blessed and important aspect of marital life.
اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنَا مِنَ الَّذِينَ قَالُوا رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا
Dua to increase intimacy between husband and wife
Allahumma ja’alna min allatheena qaloo rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil-muttaqeena imama.
Translation: “O Allah, make us among those who have said, ‘Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.'”
Tested Dua To Increase Intimacy Between Husband and Wife
Steps to Enhance Intimacy Between Husband and Wife through Dua:
- Create a Peaceful Environment: Choose a quiet and serene place where you can focus on the dua without distractions.
- Begin with Ablution (Wudu): Ensure you are in a state of cleanliness by performing ablution.
- Recite the Dua with Heartfelt Intent: Use the powerful dua –
“Rabbana, munazzil al-mawaddah bayna qlubina, waj’al hubbana watafahumana kama yajma’u almunazzil walbahar. Innaka ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer.”
While reciting, visualize a deepening connection and increased intimacy between you and your spouse.
- Repeat Regularly: Repeat the dua regularly, incorporating it into your daily routine to reinforce the positive energy.
- Express Gratitude: After reciting the dua, express gratitude to Allah for the blessings in your relationship and for the positive changes you hope to see.
Approach this dua with sincerity and positive intentions, trusting in its potential to strengthen the bond of intimacy between you and your spouse.
Surah To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife
Want to know which Surah makes husband and wife love each other more? Here is the most powerful Surah, which will help you and your partner love each other more. Follow the steps to make your love for your spouse grow.
- First, you have to say the ten ayat of Surah Al-Fatiha ten times.
- Then you have to take your partner’s clothes.
- Then you must say Surah Aytal-Kursi five times.
- Now, ask Allah with all your heart to make you and your partner love each other more.
- Last, blow on your partner’s cloth and then put it back where it belongs.
- Do this Surah-based practice for 8 days to make your husband and wife love each other more and see marriage magic.
If your husband goes down the wrong path and you want him to turn around, you can use our Dua To Bring Husband On Right Path.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I pray to Allah that he blesses my marriage with more love?
You should pray to Allah in silence (Niyyah), and today I am admitting that there is no power greater than you, so please hear my dua that you may increase love in my wife’s heart. What I really want is for her to love me as much as I love her.
For a husband to pay attention to his wife, what is the most effective dua?
“Ya Wadoodu” is the most effective dua for getting a husband to pay attention to his wife.