Dua For Newly Married Couple and Nikah Ceremony


Marriage is a joyous and happy moment in the life of a couple. It is one day that they cherish all their life.  It is a day when everyone should bless them with lots and lots of duas and blessings to make their marriage happy and prosperous. However, sometimes we wish a couple in the wrong manner. Hence, you should learn about the dua for newly married couple. Make sure you include the name of Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala in the blessings or satan may creep in and create problems in their wedding.

dua for newly-married couple

The best thing to gift a married couple at their wedding is the dua for nikah ceremony. There is nothing better than dua from your heart for a newlywed couple.  Anyone can make the dua for the nikah ceremony and bless the bride and groom.

Insha Allah, the dua for bride and groom will make their marriage trouble-free for eternity. It is said that the blessings given on the marriage day last lifelong. So, it is essential that you make the best dua for newlyweds in favor of the bride and groom and bless them rightly. 

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Dua For Nikah Ceremony

During a marriage, people are often concerned about the guests, food, and other preparations. But rather than thinking about these things, you should make more and more dua for married couple because nothing else counts afterward but only the duafor married couple.

So, if you want to give your dears ones a good marital life, then you should recite dua for baraqah in marriage. The dua for married couple will bring immense prosperity and happiness in your marriage and will ensure that no differences or rift ever creeps in your marriage and both of you always remain united as two bodies’ one soul.

You should speak to our molvi sahab to get the dua for barakah in marriage from our molvi sb. He has a lot of knowledge and experience in this field and he will give you the right dua for married couple in this regard. The dua for married couple will create better understanding and compatibility between the partners. Dua for married couple will infuse better love and affection between them.

So, just make dua for nikah ceremony as much as possible and bless the couple on their wedding day to help them attract only good things towards them. No matter you are the guardian, guest, or groom, or bride, anyone can recite dua for newly married couple and bring the blessings of Allah Talah to your wedding.

Dua For Baraqah In Marriage

Recite: “Barakal Laaho Laka Wa Baraka Alaika Wa Jam’aa Baina Kuma Fi Khairin

  • This nikah dua will help you in getting married soon.
  • For married people who wish to

The dua for newly married couple is meant to bring lots of happiness, blessings and prosperity to the couple. Their marriage will bloom with love and they will always be in the protection of Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala. 

You can also recite dua for newly married couple as many times as possible and bless the couple.

Dua For Married Couple

If you wish Allah to bless your marriage, you shouldn’t do haram or even think haram things. Dua for married couples can be improved by reciting dua for married couple from the Quran. The Islamic prayer for marital troubles, known as dua for married couple, is highly effective at reducing conflict and developing mutual respect and love within a couple’s union.

If you’re having trouble finding a spouse and want to locate one in the Quran, you can read the dua for marriage troubles. It’s like a modern version of the dua for married couple, and it speeds up the process of getting hitched for young singles. Here are some of the most effective Quranic duas for marriage:

  • Verses 33 of Surah Al Ahzaad,
  • 60 of Surah Al Mumtahinah and
  • 20 of Surah at Taha.

Young men and women alike can benefit from reading this Quranic dua for married couple. Both the groom and bride’s parents can read them, provided they follow our Maulvi Sahab’s prescribed process for reading the Quranic dua for newly married couple.

Insha Allah, the couple will have a great marital life ahead and no problems shall ever touch them. If you need any more help in this regard, then speak to our molvi sb. You can call or message on the number +91-8306324220  for a direct consultation from our Maulvi Sahab.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you congratulate a newly married couple in Islam?

You can read the dua for newly married couple and then blow over the newlyweds after to not only congratulate them but to bless them as well.

What is the nikah dua for groom?

When a groom says “Qubool Hai”, he is officially married as per Islam. To bless him and his newlywed wife for a happy marriage, the nikah dua for groom is helpful. All the loved ones of the man who has gotten married read this dua to bless him and congratulate him.

How to read the dua of nikah?

The dua of nikah is an Islamic prayer people read before and after the nikah (wedding ceremony). We all know that nikah is a very sacred act in the eyes of Allah and it is very important to seek his blessings. This is why people read the dua of nikah ceremony in every step of the wedding ceremony. It also consists of the dua for bride and groom.

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