Dua For Successful Pregnancy In Islam – Dua For Safety of Pregnancy 


Right from the first when a woman gets to know that she is going to be a mother, she starts caring and protecting her child. Even when the child is in her womb, she will do everything to give the best nourishment to her developing child. But, nothing lies in your hand, unless Allah wills. Hence, you should pray the Almighty and make dua for successful pregnancy so that you and your child don’t encounter any problem. The dua for safe pregnancy will take care of your child every second from the seen and unseen things of the world.

Dua For Successful Pregnancy

If you come to know that there are certain complications in your pregnancy, then apart from taking medications, you should also make dua for safe pregnancy. It will help you get rid of all the problems from your pregnancy and Insha Allah, you will have a safe delivery. Often mothers get a lot of paranoid during their pregnancy and worry if they will have a successful pregnancy or not. If you worry about it, then dua for successful pregnancy is the best remedy for you. It will help you in having a healthy and fit baby.

Dua For Safety of Pregnancy

Dua For Safety of Pregnancy

As a mother, you always want the best for your child. And, Allah Talah loves you and your child more than 70 mothers. So, you can imagine that when you make dua for successful pregnancy, how much better results you are going to get. Indeed, your child will be safe in your womb and you will have a normal delivery. If you are worried that you may have to end up with a cesarean, then dua for successful pregnancy will certainly not allow anything wrong to happen to you or your baby. It will protect you and the child.

If you have just got to know that you are pregnant and you want to ensure that it is safe and secure, then you can make dua for safety of pregnancy. It will help your child develop well and Insha Allah, nothing will ever hurt or harm your baby. You can get the dua for safety of pregnancy from our molvi sb. He will guide you with the right procedure. If you have any queries, then get all your answers from him.

Related Post:-  Dua to Get Pregnant Quickly

Dua For Successful Pregnancy

Early Pregnancy Dua For Successful Pregnancy 

Dua for safe pregnancy is mentioned below:

Rabbi Innee Nathartu Laka Ma Fee Batnee Muharraran Fataqabbal Minnii Innaka Anta Alssamee Aau Al Aleem

Recite this dua from the 5th month of your pregnancy thrice daily at any point in time. Make sure you are punctual with your namaz and recite Quran Shareef once daily. It will all help you and your child. It will help you in having a safe and successful pregnancy and easy delivery.

Also, make sure that you visit your doctor frequently to keep yourself checked. You can also get the dua for successful delivery from our Molvi Sahab. and recite it at the time of your delivery to have a secure and safe delivery. Don’t worry! Allah Talah will take care of you and your child.

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