Wa Alaikum Assalam! The “Dua to Get What You Want” has already helped thousands of Amliyat Dua readers and continues to do so.
Indeed, if you honestly desire something, you will achieve it. We devote all our time and energy to our goals. Yet, sometimes we fail and blame our luck, but that’s not the reason.
Allah Taala often tests us, which is why we face challenges. This could be related to anything—your job, business, or a love-related issue.
If your intentions are true, you can achieve it. Allah SWT will help you. You need to learn how to achieve your goals with Allah’s guidance.
Please read this article until the end. If you get duas to achieve your desires, we have described such duas here. If you recite them with genuine intentions and complete faith in Allah, you will see results.
How Does “Dua to Get What You Want” Work?
There’s no doubt that Allah Ta’ala, who created this world and us, can create or destroy anything.
Allah says, “My mercy encompasses all things” (Quran 7:156).
If you truly get something from Allah, it’s easy—be it love, money, or fame.
Many keep this secret to themselves, but their real success lies in something you may not know.
Today, we will reveal it and explain the dua so you can get what you want from Allah Ta’ala.
The key is to keep your intentions pure and clean while praying.
Only then will Allah Ta’ala grant you what you desire.
If your intentions aren’t pure, unfortunately, this prayer won’t be helpful.
Important Rules to Follow Before Starting the Dua
To achieve anything from Allah Ta’ala, follow these rules before starting your prayers. By following these rules, Allah Ta’ala will accept your prayers.
- Keep your intentions pure. Do not pray with negative thoughts about others.
- Recite the dua while facing the Qibla and ensure the place is clean.
- The dua and method are completely Islamic and Halal. Do not use any magic, which is prohibited in Islam.
- Women should not pray this dua during menstruation.
- Ask for forgiveness from Allah Ta’ala for your sins before starting the prayer.
- Say Bismillah and recite any ten names of Allah before beginning the dua.
4 Steps to Perform the Powerful Dua To Get What You Want From Allah
- Perform Wudu.
- Say “SubhanAllah,” “Alhamdulillah,” and read Salawat 11 times.
- Recite this Dua: “O Allah, I need Your help through Your knowledge, and I want Your strength through Your power, and I ask You for a favor.” From Sahih al-Bukhari, 135 times.
- Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to get what you want.
Follow this ritual for 17 days with complete faith in Allah, and inshallah, you will achieve your desires from Almighty Allah SWT.
If you need guidance or want quick and effective results, consult Peer Mohammad Qadri via WhatsApp.
Very Quick and Effective Powerful Duas for All Problems
If you want to get anything from Allah Ta’ala quickly, here’s a dua. Perform it correctly, and you will see quick results.
Before Tahajjud, make wudu, sit on the prayer mat with half a glass of water, and recite “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees” 235 times. Then blow on the water and drink it.
Perform this daily for 15 days to get anything from Allah SWT.

Special Dua To Get Something You Really Want
One special dua is the dua of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) when he was in the belly of the whale.
This dua is known for its sincerity and acceptance of prayers. It is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Saffat (37:143–148):
Transliteration: Qala fanada fee alththulumati an la ilaha illa anta subhanaka innee kuntu mina alththalimeen.
Translation: “And he cried out within the darkness, “There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been one of the wrongdoers.”
This dua shows Prophet Yunus’s humility, acceptance of his mistakes, and total dependence on Allah’s grace.
Recite this dua honestly and with a genuine heart, and get your desire from Allah.
In addition to this dua, pour out your heart in your own words, expressing your needs and desires to Allah. Allah (SWT) knows what’s in your heart, so be genuine and patient while reciting dua. May Allah grant you what is best for you.
Read Dua To Convince In Laws For Love Marriage
Surah to Get What You Want
The Quran contains many surahs with great significance. The power within the Quran is immense, as we see many things mentioned in the Quran coming true today.
To get something from Allah Ta’ala, recite Surah Al Fatiha (Chapter 1) in the Quran. Read this Surah at least 50 times after each Salah for 16 days to get what you want from Allah SWT.
Dua for Wanting Something From Someone
This dua is very effective and has helped many Amliyat Dua readers.
- To get something from Allah SWT, recite “innallaha yusmiu mayasha hu” 142 times daily after every salah for 20 days.
- After that read Surah Kaif 24 times.
- After that read Surah Naas 14 times.
- Then read Durood Shareef 32 times.
Pray to Allah Miyan for your hajat with all the pleadings and begging you can do. Praise the Almighty and send Durood to our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) (PBUH) and then ask for your desire.
Perform this dua for at least 11 days and Insha Allah, the Almighty will bestow you with what you desire.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which surah should you recite when you want something from Allah?
Surah Al Fatiha (Chapter 1) is the best surah to get something from Allah SWT.
What dua should you read when you want something to happen?
Recite “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees” 111 times after every salah for 18 days to achieve a specific outcome.
Is there an easy dua for something you want desperately?
Recite this dua daily with sincerity: “O Allah, suffice me with what is lawful against what is forbidden and make me independent of all others but You with Your bounty.”
salaam alkiuam my name is ayaan iam havinh family issues my husband doesnt have thing to do with me anymore my child being taken away by ealing socsil services i need duaa