5 Powerful Dua To Get Love Back In 3 Days


As-salamu alaykum to all my dear Muslim brothers and sisters, In Islam loving someone and wanting to marry them is not wrong. Today, we’re sharing a Dua For Love Back, and it’s said to be effective in just 3 days. It’s a powerful Islamic way to bring back the one you love. We can’t understand how hard it is when someone fails in their love life. If you’re feeling that pain, the powerful prayer for getting back lost love might help. Don’t worry anymore. After reading this article, you’ll know how to win back your ex-love.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for the dua to bring back lost love:

  • Go to the bathroom, take a shower, wear clean clothes, and find a quiet place to sit.
  • If you haven’t showered, perform wuzu (ablution) carefully.
  • Perform all five daily prayers and choose any one of them to perform this special prayer.
  • Maghrib prayer is recommended for this particular prayer.
  • Start by reciting the Durood Shareef 11 times.
  • Then softly recite the verse “Hassbun Allahuu Wa Laa Namall Waqeel. Qwataa Ila Baillahill Waa Naseir” eleven times.
  • Following that, read Surah Al-Kausar 100 times and recite Durood Shareef 11 times again.
  • Conclude by making a prayer (dua) to Allah to help you bring back your lost love.

When the person you love is far away, everything feels bad, and life becomes hard. If you’re going through this, don’t worry. Follow the steps recommended by our Molvi Ji for saying the special prayer, and see how your loved one returns to you. If this prayer doesn’t seem to be working, contact our Molvi Ji right away. Get a prayer personalized for you, ensuring a quick reunion with your love.

Follow this procedure to perform effective dua to get love back–

  • Make a sincere intention to seek Allah’s help in rekindling lost love.
  • Ensure you are in a state of physical and spiritual cleanliness by performing wudu.
  • Begin by reciting Durood Shareef (Salutations upon Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) 11 times.
  • In your own words, pray to Allah, asking for the return of your lost love. Pour your heart out with sincerity.
  • Conclude by reciting Durood Shareef again, 11 times.

Perform this dua regularly for 11 days with faith and patience, trusting in Allah’s wisdom and mercy.

If you are in love and don’t know how beneficial dua can be, you must read this. Learning about the benefits of dua to get love back will make sure you never forget to recite it. Understand how this prayer can bring you closer to your love. Knowing the advantages of this dua is essential for anyone who has lost themselves in love.

Here are few benefits of reciting dua to get love back –

  • This prayer is strong in bringing back your ex-lover. It can make them leave the current person and love you again.
  • It has the power to make a positive change in your relationship with the person you truly love.
  • If your intentions are good, you might get back with your ex within just 3 days.
  • It can also help your husband feel loved again.
  • The dua for love back is a powerful prayer to bring back the spark in your relationship.

Having a desire to win back your love is not wrong. Not everyone understands those who wish to regain their love. If your intentions are pure and, for some reason, your love has drifted away, you don’t need to be afraid or worried. Our Molvi Ji has created this prayer specifically for true lovers. Follow the steps below to perform the prayer and see how your lost love returns to you.

Here are the 7 Steps You must follow to Get your Lost Love Back in Islam-

  • Intention (Niyyah): Begin with a sincere intention in your heart to seek Allah’s help in rekindling lost love.
  • Cleanliness (Wuzu): Ensure that you are in a state of physical and spiritual cleanliness by performing wuzu (ablution).
  • Choose a Quiet Place: Find a calm and quiet place where you can concentrate without distractions.
  • Recite Durood Shareef: Start by reciting Durood Shareef (Salutations upon Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) 11 times.
  • Recite Surah Al-Qariyah: Recite Surah Al-Qariyah 101 times with sincerity and focus.
  • Durood Shareef Again: Follow the recitation by saying Durood Shareef again, 11 times.
  • Blow on Water or Sugar: Blow over a glass of water or on a small amount of sugar while imagining the return of lost love. Consume the water or keep the sugar with you.

Perform this dua with faith and consistency for positive results.

If you’re seeking the return of a lost love, the “Dua For Love To Come Back” might be the answer to your heartfelt prayers. In times of emotional longing and separation, this powerful prayer is believed to hold the potential to rekindle love and bring back someone you deeply care about. Discover the essence and process of this dua, and embark on a spiritual journey to mend hearts and reunite with the one you love.

It’s crucial to trust in Allah; without faith, nothing will work. Follow these steps for the powerful dua for love to come back:

  • After every salah, recite this potent dua for love back.
  • After completing your prayer, stay seated on your prayer mat.
  • Focus your thoughts on the person for whom you are making this dua.
  • While thinking of them, recite “Al-Quddus” 101 times.
  • Remember, perform this process for 21 consecutive days with unwavering faith in Almighty Allah.

Here are the 5 Reasons why Allah might reject your dua to get your lost love back-

  1. Allah’s Wisdom: Allah’s plan may be different from what we understand. Trust in His wisdom.
  2. Timing Matters: Sometimes, what we want may not be right for us now. Allah’s timing is perfect.
  3. Patience Test: Allah may be testing your patience. Keep praying with persistence.
  4. Hidden Blessings: What you desire may not be the best for you. Allah may have something better in store.
  5. Reflect on Mistakes: Check if there are mistakes on your part. Seek forgiveness for a clearer path.

Starting to pray in Islam can change your life, giving you a direct way to connect with Allah. To ensure the effectiveness of your Duas and Wazifas For Love Back, follow these five essential Islamic tips for guaranteed success.

  1. Believe with all Your Heart: When you ask Allah for something, really believe it in your heart. Imagine talking to Him like a friend who listens and cares.
  2. Morning Prayers are Special: Try asking for what you want during the early morning before Fajr prayer. It’s like having a quiet talk with Allah when the world is still asleep.
  3. Say Thank You First: Before asking for more, say thank you to Allah for the things you already have. It’s like being grateful for the cool stuff you already got.
  4. Visualize Good Things Happening: When you ask Allah for stuff, imagine them happening in your mind. It’s like making a cool movie in your head about all the good things.
  5. Do Nice Stuff for Others: Being nice to people around you is like telling Allah you want good things for everyone. It’s like doing extra special prayers through your actions.

Are you asking yourself, “How can I get my love back with a prayer in Islam?” The dua to get my love back is an effective way to handle such a situation. If you want someone to fall in love with you, you can recite this prayer. We’re sharing this prayer to make someone love you back because we know how painful losing love can be. Follow the below-mentioned procedure to perform dua to get love back-

  • Start by washing yourself (wuzu) fresh.
  • Get a small white paper and write the names of your lover and their mother on it.
  • Recite the Durood Sharif 11 times, followed by Surah Al-Qariyah 101 times.
  • Again, recite the Durood Sharif 11 more times.
  • Finally, blow over the paper while thinking about getting back together with your lover.

Repeat this process every day for a month using the same paper. Keep in mind some rules for performing duas and wazifas. Insha Allah, you will reunite with your lover in a few days. If you have any questions, you can contact Peer Muhammad Qadri on WhatsApp or by calling.

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Dua For Husband Back

Dua To Make Someone Love You And Marry You

Chanting Ya Wadoodoo c 1100 times after every obligatory salah is helpful for those who want to get their love back. You will get Allah’s help and blessings for getting love back if you have sincere intentions.

Reciting the Al-Quddus dua to make someone love you back is effective. The process to perform this dua is mentioned above. Perform this dua with faith in Allah’s mercifulness and you will see great results soon.

The Surah Ya-sin is a powerful surah to bring your lost love back. You can consult our Molvi Ji on WhatsApp for detailed guidance to get results from this surah.

If you seek to regain lost love through the recitation of Surah, begin by placing your trust in Allah Tala. Focus on your beloved in your heart and recite Surah-al-Mulk 11 times. This particular Surah is believed to assist in the return of lost love to your life.

You can make dua for Allah’s guidance, wisdom, and positive outcomes. Begin by reciting Surah Al-Fatiha (Chapter 1 of the Quran), seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings. Now express your true feelings to Allah in the form of Dua.

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