If you have been confirmed that you are pregnant, then first and foremost, you should thank Allah SubhanaWa’ Tala for this gift and ask for protection and safety of your baby. Yes, it is very important to pray for successful delivery and to recite dua to prevent miscarriage in pregnancy.
Pray to Allah to bless you with a healthy child, whether boy or girl and do not let any harm or miscarriage affect it. Insha Allah, with the help of dua for safety of pregnancy, your baby will develop well be healthy.
Dua For Safety Of Pregnancy
The time of pregnancy is very sensitive and anything can lead to a problem for you and your child. Thus, it is very important to be cautious and keep reciting dua for safe successful pregnancy. The dua will help your baby to develop healthily without any problem.
It will help you to deliver a healthy baby. It will protect your baby from all worldly threats, evil eyes and black magic effects. Recite the dua For Safety Of Pregnancy as directed by our molvi sb. to reap its benefits. It is very beneficial for all women who are pregnant, no matter which pregnancy month it is.

Dua To Prevent Miscarriage in Pregnancy
Allah Talah has blessed women with so many duas and wazifas in Quran to avoid all types of problems during pregnancy. You should recite it daily to prevent all types of problems and miscarriage till the time of delivery. Make sure apart from taking extra care of yourself and the bay, you should also read the Quran and recite dua for protection from miscarriage. It will have a good effect on your baby and avoid any problem from coming on you and your child. Dua for protection from a miscarriage is the best thing you can do for healthy growth of your baby.
Related Post: Dua For Successful Pregnancy
Dua For Successful Pregnancy
Dua for successful pregnancy is a special prayer that is read by expecting women. This dua for safe pregnancy and delivery is an Islamic prayer that women read to get their unborn child blessed by Allah Taala. The process of performing the dua for safe pregnancy and delivery should either be read with proper guidance of either the elder women of the family or an Islamic scholar.
This is one of the easiest remedy for any woman to make sure her unborn baby is safe from all the harm. The dua for successful pregnancy is also read to protect the pregnancy of a woman safe from the negative people around her.
dua for safe pregnancy and delivery
Recite this dua given below as much as you can any time you are sitting idle and blow it on your womb for the healthy growth of your child.
Rabbi Hab Li Minas Saaliheen
Rabbi Hab Li Mil LadunkaZurriyatanTayyiban
Dua For Protection From Miscarriage
If you recite “YaSalaamu” in the morning no calamity will be able to affect you till night. And, if you recite it in the evening, no calamity will harm you till morning. Dua for successful pregnancy will give your baby all the security and safety. For only He knows what a woman bears in her womb. Dua for successful pregnancy is the best thing that a mother can practice for the safety of her child. It will prevent premature delivery or miscarriage and make your baby grow as he/ she should/
Dua For Safety Of Pregnancy: Apart from this, you should always be wudu and avoid committing any sin. Make sure you eat halal rozi and do not do any wrong to anyone. Insha Allah, very soon you will be a mother of a beautiful and healthy baby. Also pray to Allah Talah to ease your delivery procedure. Insha Allah, you will suffer from no pain during the time of delivery.
Dua For Preventing Miscarriage
In Islam, there are several duas that are recommended for those seeking protection and guidance during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. While there isn’t a specific dua for preventing miscarriage, you can recite the following dua and engage in prayer with sincerity and a strong belief in Allah’s mercy and protection:
“Rabbi la tatharnee fardan wa anta khayrul wareetheen.”
Translation: “My Lord, do not leave me [as a sole child] while You are the best of inheritors.”
Procedure For Performing Dua To Avoid Miscarriage–
- Find a quiet and clean place to sit or stand in a state of wudu (ritual purity).
- Begin by reciting “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful).
- Recite the above mentioned dua sincerely, with faith in Allah’s power and mercy.
- Repeat this dua as many times as you feel comfortable, with a calm and focused heart. You can recite it seven times, eleven times, or as many times as you wish.
- After reciting the dua, raise your hands and make a personal dua to Allah, asking for protection, guidance, and a healthy pregnancy.
- Conclude the dua by offering your gratitude to Allah and asking for His mercy and blessings.
- Remember to have faith, trust, and patience. Trust that Allah knows what is best, and whatever the outcome, it is part of His divine plan.
Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, is essential during pregnancy. May Allah grant you a safe and healthy pregnancy and protect you from any harm.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can lead to a miscarriage?
If someone has a severe case of diabetes or experiences a really bad infection or a serious injury, it might make it more likely for them to have a miscarriage, which means losing the baby during pregnancy.
Which Surah Is Best To Prevent Miscarriage?
Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, but sometimes, due to certain conditions, situations leading to miscarriage can arise. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor first, and along with that, recite Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255.
How To Ask Allah To Protect You From Miscarriage?
Express your gratitude to Allah for making you pregnant and now the ask God to protect your pregnancy from all harms like miscarriage, the effects of Negative emotions come from the outside such as the evil eye and fear.
Thank you so much for posting this dua jazakalahu khair