Do you want a Dua For Getting A Good Husband? If yes, then you are at the right place. Anyone who wants to find a suitable partner for marriage can read this dua for a happy, successful life.
Every girl dreams of a husband who is always beside them with their support. The dua for a good husband is the prayer that helps the most.
In this cruel world, people have evil thoughts that keep on growing. In such a situation, finding a genuine partner is difficult.
Having someone who will love you and not betray you is not easy. Every person deserves a spouse who has the qualities they have always expected from an ideal life partner.
Finding a life partner who follows the values of Islam can be challenging. Are you looking for a good life partner who will become a wonderful husband? We have the dua that you should pray for. This dua to find spouse will work if you pray to Allah with a pure mind.
Tips to Follow Before Reciting Dua
- Make sure your intention is pure and sincere.
- Perform wudu (ablution) to be in a state of cleanliness.
- Find a quiet place where you can concentrate.
- Recite the dua regularly with patience and faith.
- Wear clean and full body covered clothes.
- Be grateful for Allah’s blessings and express thanks.
- We suggest you consult our Maulvi Ji about the dua for good husband in Islam.
- You will have to understand that duas and wazifa in Islam take time to show results.
Stepwise Process To Perform Dua For Getting A Good Husband
Important note: You must recite the dua for getting good husband after Fajr namaz.
- Take a shower and perform ablution to perform the namaz.
- After the namaz, begin to recite Surah Ar-Rahman 100 times.
- Then, read the Surah Ad-Duha from the 93rd chapter of the Quran.
- At last, pray to Allah for a good husband who will love and respect you.
To get the best results, perform this dua for good husband for 3 days. Remember to have faith in the Almighty so that this dua gets accepted soon.
Read Dua For Husband Love to get love from husband.

Dua for Getting Married Soon to a Good Husband
Perform this below given dua for getting marries soon to a good husband-
For this dua to work you must have to follow the tips which we mentioned above in this article.
“O Allah, grant me a righteous and loving husband who will be the coolness of my eyes and a source of happiness in my life.”
Important note: No woman should perform the prayer to find a good husband during their periods.
Dua to Get a Good Husband from the Quran
What could be better than finding a good life partner? If you also want to find a good husband, then without any delay, read this prayer and see how an ideal husband enters your life.
Read this special Dua from Quran to get a good husband.
Surah Al-Furqan (25:74): “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”
Always remember that while reading the prayer, your mind should be clear and no negative thoughts about anyone should come to mind.
Allah fulfills all the desires of His servants and wishes that none of His servants fall prey to wrong paths or wrong thoughts.
Read Ya Wadudu Wazifa For Love to know the benefits of reciting Ya wadudu for Love.
Procedure of performing Dua to Get a Righteous Husband in Islam
- First, perform wudu.
- Recite “Ya Wadudu” 163 times.
- Recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
- Then, recite Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 89.
- And now read this below given dua-
“O Allah, bless me with a pious and caring husband who will lead me on the path of righteousness and help me grow in my faith.”

By following these steps and reciting these duas, you can seek Allah’s help in finding a good husband. Remember, patience and faith are key in this spiritual journey. May Allah bless you with the best!
Dua For Finding A Good Spouse
- Begin by performing wudu to ensure the purity of body.
- Find a Quiet Place for performing dua.
- Sit comfortably and recite “Subhaan Allah, Alhamdo lillah, Allaho Akbar” (O Loving One) 161 times.
- Use this dua for finding a good spouse-
Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil-muttaqeena imam
By following these steps and reciting the dua, you can seek Allah’s help in finding a good spouse. Remember to keep your heart pure, have positive intentions, and maintain patience and trust in Allah’s plan.
Read Dua For Love Between Husband and Wife to increase the love of husband and wife.
Benefits of Reciting Dua For Good Husband
- Strengthens your bond with Allah, bringing you closer to Him.
- Provides a deep sense of comfort and reduces worries.
- Helps you make the best decisions with Allah’s wisdom.
- Attracts Allah’s endless mercy and blessings into your life.
- Fills your heart with hope and positive energy, making you feel more optimistic.
- Enhances your faith and spiritual growth, making you a better person.
It is best to recite the dua for husband after the namaz. If you cannot do so, you can consult our Islamic scholar about another suitable time.
Make sure you always perform a dua for getting good spouse with a pure intention. Allah will accept your dua only if it has been performed for a good purpose.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which surah is for finding a good husband?
Reading the Surah Ad-Duha for finding a good husband is an effective method. To perform it properly, begin with reciting Durood E Inam five times.
Then, read the first five verses of Surah Ad Duha five times. You will see the results in one week after you perform this surah for husband with a pure heart.
Which dua to read to get married to the person you love?
Dua for love marriage will help you marry the person you love the most. This dua shows how humble you are and how much you trust Allah’s wisdom and direction in things of the heart.
Say it with sincerity and dedication, and ask Allah to help your marriage turn out in the best way possible.
What to do if my marriage proposals keep on getting rejected? Is there a dua for marriage proposal acceptance?
If you wish to get married soon by getting your proposal accepted, you can read the Islamic dua for marriage proposal acceptance. This dua will give great results in a short time.