Sunnah For Marriage – Dua For Married According To Sunnah


Sunnah For Marriage

A marriage is a beautiful relationship and it becomes all the more beautiful with the blessings of Allah. Today, we will share a beautiful and effective Sunnah for marriage with you that will help you perform your nikah most piously and blessedly. This Sunnah dua for marriage is for everyone who is getting married or is already married and will work for the best of all.

Sunnah dua for marriage can be recited by anyone who wishes to receive the blessings of Allah in their marriage. This dua is very powerful to resolve the issues within life and marriage. if you are worried that you are not getting a good and decent marriage proposal, you can read sunnah for marriage and attract the best marriage proposals.  Sunnah dua for marriage can also be recited by those who wish to get married to the love of their life but are facing issues due to parents and society.

People read the sunnah about marriage to find out when will they find a life partner. People read the sunnah about making a decision of getting married at the right age. This special prayer is read whenever a person reaches the age of marriage and wants to make a decision of getting married. It is said that only Allah knows what is best for us. This is why people read the Sunnah before making a decision about marriage.

Sunnah For Marriage

Sunnah Dua For Marriage

If you are a boy/girl and want to perform Sunnah for getting married, you can recite the following dua:

You have to recite this verse 36 of Yasin 100 times before Salat of Tahajjud for 40 days:

subh’aanallad’ee khalaqal azwaaja kullahaa mimmaa tumbitul arz’u wa min anfusihim wa mimmaa laa ya’lamoon

 سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْأَزْوَاجَ كُلَّهَا مِمَّا تُنبِتُ الْأَرْضُ وَمِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ﴿٣٦

You can recite this Sunnah dua for marriage and pray Allah to bless you with the best and the most genuine life partner.

If you are someone whose marriage is not getting fixed and the unnecessary obstacles hinder the process of your marriage, recite this Sunnah for marriage:

Allahumma Innee Urreedu An Atazawwaja Faqaddir Lee Minan Nisaa-I A’fihunna Farjajan wa Ah’fadh’ihunna Lee Fee Nafsihaa Wa Awsa-i-Hunna Lee Rizwan Wa A-dhamahunna Lee Barakatan Fee Nafsihaa Wa Maaleee Faqaddir Lee Minhaa Waladan Tayyiban Tajaluhoo Khalafan Saalihan Fee Hayaatee Wa Ba`da Mawtee.

This can be recited by anyone who wishes to get married to the love of their life but is facing trouble getting approval from the parents and society. This will help you get approval from your parents and will help you to accelerate the marriage process. If you have any doubts or queries, you can consult our molvi Saab on the given numbers.

Dua For Married According To Sunnah

Dua For Married According To Sunnah

If you are married and want to seek the blessings of Allah in your marriage, you can read this dua for married according to Sunnah. This is a very beautiful and effective way to maintain the harmony of your relationship.

Rabbana hablana min azwajina wadhuriy yatina, qurata, ayioni waa-ialna lil-muttaqena imaama

Recite this dua for married according to Sunnah after your obligatory prayers with the faith and belief that Allah will solve all your problems. If you are a newly married couple seeking to maintain harmony and peace in marriage, you can read this Sunnah for married couples.

On the other hand, after getting married people to read the sunnah for marriage night after getting married. This special sunnah dua helps people in beginning their married life with their spouse on a good note. Marriage is a relation that has always been given high regard in our religion. This is why Islamic scholars suggest understanding the sunnah about getting married. Only after understanding the true meaning of it should they work on reading the sunnah dua for getting married.

If you have any issues or confusion, you can contact the numbers to consult our Maulvi Sahab. Leave your questions and queries in the comments and our experts will get back to you shortly.

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