Wazifa For Beauty
Who doesn’t want beautiful and glowing skin for themselves? Everybody wants to look young and attractive forever! But do you know who puts noor or glow on your face? What makes your face shine like a star? Well, it is no one but Allah Talah. Only the Almighty has the power to make you beautiful or ugly, young or old. There are men and women reaching 40 or 50 but without a wrinkle on their face. If you also want to have fair and graceful skin then you should recite wazifa for beauty in Urdu.
The wazifa is extremely powerful and will provide you with ageless beauty. The artificial products in the market only tend to enhance your skin artificially. Once you remove the makeup, you are left with your own skin. Hence, the aim is to make your skin flawless and glowing. When you recite wazifa for beauty in Urdu, then Allah Talah will bless you with an attractive and appealing beauty. Surely your face will not just become fair but it will also turn glowing and eye-catching. It will enhance your beauty from the inside and make you beautiful as a person too.
If you have a lot of marks and acne scars on your face and you are literally ashamed of going out in the public. If you have tried every beauty product but these scars don’t seem to go, then you should recite wazifa for beauty in Urdu. The wazifa will help you get rid of all the scars and marks on your face. It will give you a clean and clear face and all the marks will eventually disappear from your face. Do not worry. Allah Talah will listen to your prayers and bless you with what you desire.
Often girls are denied by the boy’s families because of their color and looks. If you wish to get fairer and have better skin and face for your marriage or your husband, then you should practice wazifa for beauty in Urdu. The wazifa will help you get great skin and Insha Allah, soon your marriage will be fixed. Your in-laws will like you. You can get the wazifa for beauty in Urdu from our molvi sb. He will prescribe the best possible solution for you and soon you will get desired results.
Whenever you look into the mirror, recite Durood Ibrahimi once and then see your face in the mirror and then blow on your reflection. Or blow it your palms and rub your palm on your face.
Recite “Ya Nooro” 256 times and blow on your palm and rub your palm on your face.
Insha Allah, you will see that you will have a fresh, glowing, and attractive look on your face. However, in order to get success with this wazifa, you should be punctual with your namaz and should recite it with complete confidence. Also, make sure that you are clean and you have worn clean clothes.
Wazifa for Noor On Face
Working on your body and face is important. If you don’t take proper care of your face, then it will age faster than it should. However, apart from taking care of your face and using the best skin products on it, you should also recite khubsurti k liye wazifa noor on the face. The wazifa will help you get a glowing, fairer and attractive face. It will help you in removing all the scars, marks, and acne marks from your face, thereby giving you a flawless skin
If you think that your skin is too rough or very oily and you don’t have the glow which other girls of your age have, then you should practice wazifa for noor on face. The wazifa will make your face beautiful and graceful. It will help you in getting the perfect skin texture that you desire. It will brighten your complexion and help you more elegant and smart.
Wazifa For Noor On Face is given below:
Recite the ayat given below and then blow on your face. Insha Allah, your face will turn as beautiful and white as the moon.
“Wa Ammal Ladheenab Yazzat Wuju Huhum Fafi Rahmatil Laahi Hum Feeha Khalidoon”
Recite this dua 100 times and then pray to Allah Talah to bless you with good and fair skin and a beautiful face. Very soon you will get what you desire. Have faith in Allah Talah and wazifa for noor on face and you will truly get it. Don’t be ashamed of your skin and body. Allah Talah has made everyone beautiful in their own way. Have confidence and live your life on the path of Islam. Surely, everything will be better for you very soon and your face will get better with time.